Waxed canvas dates back several hundred years. Sailors sewed old sails together to make ponchos and waxed them to help protect them from the wind and water.
We took this classic 26 oz, waxed canvas and made a roomy tote bag that is perfect for fall. The navy green color and the real leather straps go with every outfit.
The bag has a zippered pouch inside and fits a ton of stuff. It also has a center snap that will close the bag.
The bag is 47cm wide, 36 cm tall and can expand up to 38cm wide. If the tote is closed the top is less than 1 cm wide and the bottom sits at 16m wide. So you can stuff this bag or just put a couple of items in it- its quite versatile.
This is the perfect vintage look with the edge of today's fashion. You are going to love this bag- we do!!